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Showing posts from April, 2015

IPAD Training

29th April 2015 Although this is only our second week into iPad training, I have enjoyed the new learning. Technology is becoming a really strong aspect of student education and is the way of the future. This week Zoey guided us through the google drive application/programme. Google drive will allow students to save work that they have completed on the iPad to this programme. This will free up a lot of space on the iPad.

Daily Reflections

Term 2 Tuesday 28th April Reading Whole class: Our reading for today was focussed on ANZAC reading letters from past soldiers who fought in World War 1. After reflecting, I believe it was important to choose letters that students could understand. Next Time: Whole class modelling first (Reading one letter together, then send students away to work in their groups analysing another letter.  Be more explicit when giving students follow up activities to complete (i.e Write 2-3 sentences what the writer was telling their reader).  Positives I was super impressed with the letters my students produced, when asked to write a letter about their first day based in the trenches (Some students did tend to wonder off in to other areas). Most students were able to identify new words that were unfamiliar to them and find the meaning to that word. 

IPAD Training

22nd April 2015 This week were guided and given ideas on how we can use Life Cards. The "Life Card" application can be used for a range of purpose. For example, short report (news form), recount, information report, reading (comprehension), topic (study). Here is an exemplar: