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Showing posts from April, 2017

School Vision/Aspirations

As part of our call back day for Term 2, we worked in teams to gain further understanding of our current teaching practise and where we are heading as a school. The senior leadership team provided each team with a list of words that they had heard from teachers across the school in Term 1. This was an opportunity to identify and explain our understanding around why we do the things we do.

Reading - Including Student Voice

Below is a reflection based around a reading I had read as part of my Inquiry into student voice. One aim that I want to implement into Term 2 is students sharing their expertise, opinions and ideas through running workshops. I know that this was successful last year 2016 Term 4 where students were experts in different areas.

Student Voice 2017

Below is a honeycomb showing what I aim to focus my teacher inquiry on for 2017. I have decided to carry this on as I feel my students haven't quite achieved the goals I have hoped for around student voice.  The next step for this part of my teacher inquiry is to focus on student voice when identifying their next learning steps or goals (Using the reading and writing progressions). Students will also use pre maths tests to identify their workshops own which they will attend.