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Showing posts from July, 2015


PTC 2 Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga  i.        take all reasonable steps to provide and maintain a teaching and learning environment that is physically, socially, culturally and emotionally safe ii.       acknowledge and respect the languages, heritages and cultures of all ākonga iii.     comply with relevant regulatory and iv.      statutory requirements  Are our classroom environments prepared for the students of today and tomorrow? Are they set up to be physically, socially, culturally and emotionally safe?    This short clip shows a range of positive ways we as educators can ensure our classrooms are equipped for our students to be successful for 'today' and 'tomorrow'.  Key Points:  - Make students feel welcome - Praise - Display students mahi - Collaboration - Comfortable learning areas - Distinct rul...

Weekly Reflections

Term 3  Week 2 27th July - 31st July Goals for the coming week - Complete running records on well-below students.  - Identifying students showing sound knowledge for maths and guided reading in modelling books.  Professional Development -  Te Wananga o Aotearoa  - iPAD training - Blogger set up     Positive The classes full programme has started this week, with reading, writing, maths, te reo, and topic. Students have engaged well in all areas of learning thus far. The teacher 4 teacher reading resource box has seen students quickly grasp the expectations required, they have all developed the ability to read independently to understand the text they are reading. For guided reading, I am using the arb's reading resources that encourages students to make inferences, think critically about the text, and vocabulary.  Further Development  Continuous revisiting of the Numeracy Project Booklet is important, to devel...

Blogging PLD

27th July  Blogger - Professional Development Professional Development Monday 27th July, a teaching staff member guided the entire teaching staff through the steps required to create a personal, or classroom blog to track own teacher learning or that of the classroom. This tool, I believe is another essential form of communication between teacher, student, wider community and whanau members.  This image shows the great advantages of having a blog and how these 3 ideas intertwine with one another.  Sheet showing the steps required to  set up a blog account Where to from here for me?  End of year to evaluate classroom website, if this has not been effective and informative as first thought, I will then create a classroom blog to entice parents to view the current work carried out by their child/moko/whanaunga/friend. However, it is vital that I continue to inform whanau, and extended whanau to refer to the classroom w...

PTC 1 Evidence

PTC 1 Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on  the learning and well-being of ākonga  Key Indicators   i.           engage in ethical, respectful, positive and collaborative professional relationships with: ·         ākonga ·          teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals             -  Sharing classroom website with syndicate team and how this may benefit both the when and                      students.              -  Continue to keep in contact with support staff regarding students learning progress and                    achievement.        ·         ...

Weekly Reflections

Term 3 Week 1 20th July - 24th July Goals for the coming week - Reading and Maths programme finalised.   - Te Reo programme finalised. - Reflect on Inquiry - Key knowledge and understanding. Professional Development for week - Te Wananga o Aotearoa - Maths PD - Spiral Inquiry A great start to term 3, this week. I have enjoyed seeing most students settling back into the classroom environment and school routines. Through observations, I have noted one or two of my students who have struggled to maintain focus and live by the schools vision. I have conferenced with these students to guide them on the right path possible.  This weeks focus has been about easing the students into classroom and school routines. the students have engaged in a range of activities. Such as some art work (Using different texture colours to show students descriptive wording on a passion of theirs i.e sports is... Exhilarating), writing evaluations, desk mats, SOAR caps, cross country practise a...