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Showing posts from July, 2016

Inquiry-Based Learning for Students

The Use of Inquiry Based Learning What is Inquiry? Inquiry-based learning provides opportunities for learners to have ownership over their learning and the processes and journey they carryout. Inquiry-based learning starts through exploration and questioning, then leading to investigating into thought provoking questioning, issues, problems and/or ideas. Through this process students are required to ask questions, gather relevant information, making decisions and taking action. The questions created by the learner is open-ended meaning their is no right or wrong answer.   Why Inquiry? Inquiry based learning develops higher level thinking outcomes, critical thinking about a problem, idea or question for example, and information literacy skills. Students also learn to problem solve, work collaboratively in small groups and develop lifelong learning skills.  How has these readings and ideas challenged my thinking?  These readings and ideas have made m...
First Aid Training delivered by Property Media As a staff we participated in a First Aid Training Course refreshing our knowledge around the skills required when when supporting injured patients. Skills learnt CPR Check for responsiveness Check airways are clear Check to see if chest is rising Then start CPR 30 compressions to 2 breaths Adult: two hands Child: one hand age 1-8 Newborn: 2 fingers Use the AED.

Curriculum Team Planning - Social Sciences

Week 7, Term 2 As a staff we discussed what we wanted to focus on for Term 3 ( Key Focus: Olympics) As a syndicate we discussed the Achievement Objectives for the Social Sciences area to ensure what we planned the students would be able to achieve through the AO and SLO's (Student Learning Outcomes).  This challenged my thinking and thoughts as we all had different interpretations around the SLO selected and how this could be achieved. However, through meaningful and collaborative discussions we were able to identify how this could be achieved.  Through discussions we also looked at how we can integrate the Olympics across all learning areas.  - Literacy: Speeches - Victory Speeches, persuasive speech on a sport, Opening Speech     Reading: Articles on Rio (Pollution, impacts, background information), Readings and or articles on different olympic sports.  Maths: Measurement (Volume, weight), Algebra, Mult/Div, Geometry.  The Arts: Ra...

Inquiry T2 2016 - Student Voice

Inquiry T2 2016 - Student Voice Below shows part of my journey throughout the inquiry process of using student voice in the hope that it leads to needs based teaching. This inquiry challenged and changed my thinking and way of delivering some learning programmes in many ways, such as:   The way students are grouped. Groups are now created through student voice, based on what they required in order to achieve the lessons W.A.L.T.  Providing more quality opportunity for teacher - student conferencing to reflect on learning process, and identify strategies being used by the learner.  Student voice is pivotal in order to ensure they are able to achieve the learning outcomes to the highest standard.  Students provide support to ensure learning in understood.  Through the use of student voice has lead my teaching into thinking about how I can accelerate student learning to ensure they are given an equal opportunity to achieve at the ...