Week 7, Term 2
As a staff we discussed what we wanted to focus on for Term 3 (Key Focus: Olympics)
As a syndicate we discussed the Achievement Objectives for the Social Sciences area to ensure what we planned the students would be able to achieve through the AO and SLO's (Student Learning Outcomes).
This challenged my thinking and thoughts as we all had different interpretations around the SLO selected and how this could be achieved. However, through meaningful and collaborative discussions we were able to identify how this could be achieved.
Through discussions we also looked at how we can integrate the Olympics across all learning areas.
- Literacy: Speeches - Victory Speeches, persuasive speech on a sport, Opening Speech
Reading: Articles on Rio (Pollution, impacts, background information), Readings and or articles on different olympic sports.
Maths: Measurement (Volume, weight), Algebra, Mult/Div, Geometry.
The Arts: Raps, Plays, Designing posters.
Physical Education: Values, Olympic Sports (Skills required)
Learning Languages: Māori Kupu (Vocab)
Next Steps:
Identify how this will be implemented through my classroom programme for T3.
Develop an Inquiry for students to develop and work on throughout T3
Ensure learning is meaningful and engaging for all learners.
Ensure Olympics is integrated throughout.
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