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Showing posts from October, 2016

Parent Input on Student Learning

As apart of Room 10's new learning programme I have been thinking about how parents can be more involved and apart of their child's learning progress. Students were asked to take home their learning pathways (trackers), work completed and drafts and share these with whānau. The objective of this process was for students to sit down with their caregivers and go through each step of their learning journey (skills they are developing, reading and writing goals and how they know they have been successful). These were some examples of comments from parents around their child's learning. When students returned today I identified some to provide me with some feedback about how they felt sharing their learning opportunities with whānau. Student A "I liked that parents were able to provide feedback on learning" Student B "Parents are able to see the learning and worked taking place" Student C "Parents get to know what is going on an...

Student-Student teaching learning and collaboration

Student Agency As apart of Room 10's new learning environment I thought about providing an opportunity for 4 of my students to run workshops based around students needs. The workshops run by students showed how respectful and focus their learners were. Through allowing students to run a workshop once/twice a week will allow me to conference with 6/7 students a day around their learning progress regarding Auckland. Through the use of student voice, I asked learners at the different workshops run what they liked about their peers running a workshop.  Response:  "I am able to connect more with my peers" "Language used is easier to understand"  "Helps me to understand the work easier" The past two days have been great watching these students grow into the role as a leader/teacher. Through observations of each workshop run students seemed advice from the teacher when required. As a teacher I definitely found it difficult to allow these l...

Pre Auckland Work Stations

As week 1 of term 4 comes to an end, i reflect critically on the last two weeks around planning for term 4, setting up and organising each student around their individualised learning for the first four weeks. Through discussions with our school AP, a colleague and I looked over our term plan and how we were going to meet the needs of our students through the programmes planned. However, through collaborative and rich discussions with our AP, we discovered that our students learning could be guided in a different direction, looking at and exploring activities that encourages students to learn about different things regarding our camp activities. A major focus within this was also about encouraging students to become independent learners where they are self directing their own learning (own autonomy). Prior  To term 4 starting a colleague and I sat down and planned around the 13 activities that our students would get to experience while on camp. For example; Auckland Zoo, Sky Tow...