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Pre Auckland Work Stations

As week 1 of term 4 comes to an end, i reflect critically on the last two weeks around planning for term 4, setting up and organising each student around their individualised learning for the first four weeks. Through discussions with our school AP, a colleague and I looked over our term plan and how we were going to meet the needs of our students through the programmes planned. However, through collaborative and rich discussions with our AP, we discovered that our students learning could be guided in a different direction, looking at and exploring activities that encourages students to learn about different things regarding our camp activities. A major focus within this was also about encouraging students to become independent learners where they are self directing their own learning (own autonomy).

To term 4 starting a colleague and I sat down and planned around the 13 activities that our students would get to experience while on camp. For example; Auckland Zoo, Sky Tower, Orewa, and Kelly Tarltons. From these ideas, we needed to decide on the activities and the skills we wanted the students to develop and become experts at. Once deciding on the skills and activity involved was very rewarding as we could see what the students could achieve at the end of each activity. We ensured that each activity had resources included to guide students learning through each workstation.

Introducing this type of learning into the learning environment has been very time consuming, however very rewarding as I can see students being engaged in all areas of their learning and taking ownership. Prior to students choosing a pre Auckland activity I guided students through their tracking sheet identifying; what I am doing, why I am doing this, how I will be successful and a reading and writing goal I wish to work towards related to the chosen activity. Once this was modelled students were able to identify their activity and go through the steps of planning. The importance around planning and goal setting was/is important so students are clear around what they need to do to be successful learners.

Through the use of the tracking sheet I am able to question student learning to identify if students understand where they are heading, what they need to achieve, and how and their reading/writing goals.

Where to next? 

  • Continue to have in depth discussions with all learners around their learning progress and how they are meeting those expectations (Use of evidence). 
  • Implementing student voice identifying next steps.  


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