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Showing posts from November, 2016

Student Voice Reflection

As the term draws to a close I have reflected on my teacher inquiry and the steps taken throughout the year. Inquiry question: Will a focus on the use of student voice lead to needs based teaching and learning to improve student outcome? Throughout the year students have made excellent progress to make reflections based on their learning. T1 - T3 was based around students writing reflections in their reflection books, where I checked each book to identify those students who understood, had a better understanding and those needing more support around that specific WALT or task. Students enjoyed this way of learning as they were able to identify their own next learning steps. The last two weeks I have been thinking about whether I am achieving my teacher inquiry this term. Through discussions with my mentor/AP we looked at what I am doing this term that was different to T1-T3. I noted that learners are independently using their own knowledge to identify their next learning steps a...