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Student Voice Reflection

As the term draws to a close I have reflected on my teacher inquiry and the steps taken throughout the year.

Inquiry question: Will a focus on the use of student voice lead to needs based teaching and learning to improve student outcome?

Throughout the year students have made excellent progress to make reflections based on their learning. T1 - T3 was based around students writing reflections in their reflection books, where I checked each book to identify those students who understood, had a better understanding and those needing more support around that specific WALT or task. Students enjoyed this way of learning as they were able to identify their own next learning steps.

The last two weeks I have been thinking about whether I am achieving my teacher inquiry this term. Through discussions with my mentor/AP we looked at what I am doing this term that was different to T1-T3. I noted that learners are independently using their own knowledge to identify their next learning steps as opposed to them writing a reflection. By doing this they are able to choose the workshops that they may need to attend and re-attend. Some students attend these workshops more than once to develop a better understanding of that task/problem. Students who understand the W.A.L.T, but want to consolidate their learning will carryout maintenance tasks especially for mathematics.

Students also share their learning before and after their learning identifying those next steps.

The skill of managing self has linked in well with the above paragraph as I am encouraging students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. This is also evident across the school.

Student Voice on workshops/identifying next learning steps
"Can choose what I want to learn based on what I need to improve on"

"Can become an independent learner and I have a choice"

"Get to choose what you go to and stay as long as you like. If you understand the learning you don't need to go."

"I think it is good, because maths and other learning areas are run throughout the day instead of having specific times for maths, literacy and topic."

"Able to choose what we learn from the tasks set for the day and aren't forced."

"Choosing when we do it and what we are doing."

"It is fun, because we choose the workshops. If we know the learning we don't have to do it."

How have I found this? 
The majority of my class are able to carry this out with confidence. I am still conferencing with a small group of students so that they identify their next learning steps.

Next Steps
How do I know when students are meeting the learning outcomes?

  • Use their pre and post assessments to ensure they do understand the learning (same test).
  • Students can still use reflection books, however instead of using the words able, better understanding and still need help learners could provide the W.A.L.T along with an example/examples.      


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