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Showing posts from August, 2018

Team Building Activity

Team Building Activity At the start of the term R11 learners worked collaboratively in groups to construct and build towers consisting of different materials:      - Team Challenge One: Balloons and tape.        - Team Challenge Two: Stacking mini cups in a tower.  These team building activities were fantastic to watch and observe. Especially to observe how far students have come in the ability to be able to work positively and collaboratively with one another. Lots of meaningful discussions took place about how to construct the tallest tower.   


Culture  As a class we have been exploring culture and diversity. Each learner has been spending time exploring their ethnicity, religion, foods, traditional dances/music, iwi, country/ies of origin to help them better understand who they are. This has been a fantastic learning journey for all.  Students were shown a clip about what culture and diversity meant by taking notes. In groups students then needed to create a definition that they understood about what culture and diversity means. They needed to share this back with the class and explain their understanding about their definition.       Our reading workshops this term have been based on culture and understanding different cultural traditions and beliefs (Visual Arts, Music, and Foods for example).