21st May 2015
Algebra Workshop 1
These workshops see other teaching staff from schools within the Waitara Teaching Region where we all come together to collaborate and learn from one another.
This first workshop had all teachers thinking critically about the Algebra Levels within the NZC document and what an algebaric activity may look like at each level. It was quite interesting engaging in a professional development task like this, because some activities shown made some question whether the chosen activity was at the right (appropriate) level, or whether it should be a lower/higher level.
Overall, this first workshop was very informative and made me think about what I should be teaching at year 7&8 if the individual is at that level in regards to the NZC.
This image shows what each learner should be learning at the end of each level.
This image shows what we as group knew about Algebra.
Algebra Workshop 1
These workshops see other teaching staff from schools within the Waitara Teaching Region where we all come together to collaborate and learn from one another.
This first workshop had all teachers thinking critically about the Algebra Levels within the NZC document and what an algebaric activity may look like at each level. It was quite interesting engaging in a professional development task like this, because some activities shown made some question whether the chosen activity was at the right (appropriate) level, or whether it should be a lower/higher level.
Overall, this first workshop was very informative and made me think about what I should be teaching at year 7&8 if the individual is at that level in regards to the NZC.
This image shows what each learner should be learning at the end of each level.
This image shows what we as group knew about Algebra.
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