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Weekly Reflections

Week 8                                                                      Date: 20th March 2015

Goal for the coming week:
All SENCO referrals completed
Start finalising writing groups
Complete online PAT test for two of my students. 
Prepare information cards for goal setting meeting

Professional Development attended this week:
Te Wananga o Aotearoa (Reo Classes, Te Ara Reo L2)
Literacy (Concept Imagery), Kaye Shewry & Helen Jenkins

Reflections of past Week
I am disappointed that I haven’t completed all the goals set for the week. I really aimed to get all my referrals completed for my students who are well below. I am also frustrated that I haven’t finalised my writing groups, for writing, however I aim to have this completed by the end of Term 1, ready for the following term, when the whole class will be working on Narrative writing. 

We are now right into Te Reo Maori with the students’ pepeha well established. From next week, week 9, the duty group for the week will do their pepeha each morning after karakia. We will also look at extending each students pepeha during next weeks two Te Reo Maori sessions. The morning and afternoon karakia is well established, I now aim to teach the students a kai karakia to use before morning tea, and lunch. 

I got in touch with one of my students parents regarding her sons goal setting meeting next Thursday, 26th March. She expressed some concern about her child in regards to his home life (not school) and this will be discussed during the goal setting meetings. I have reiterated to the child’s mother that she is more than welcome to keep in touch if she has any concerns. I am also in constant discussions with RTLB, SWISS and our schools SENCO leader regarding my high learning needs student and identifying his next steps or areas to look at when searching for support. 

Through analysis of the reading data for one of students, I felt the need to have an important discussion with the reading recovery teacher to seek support for my student who is well below in regards to reading (Comprehension, fluency and decoding). Through discussions with reading recovery and SENCO, it was decided to have this student on the programme to increase his level and confidence of reading.  


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