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Weekly Reflections

Week 9                                                                      Date: 27th March 2015

Goal for the coming week:
All SENCO referrals completed

Professional Development attended this week:
Te Wananga o Aotearoa (Reo Classes, Te Ara Reo L2)
PRT workshop 1

Reflections of past Week
All PAT tests have been completed, which now means I am now able to analyse my data, and identify next learning steps for both mathematics and the literacy learning areas. 

Information cards for goal setting meetings were successfully completed and the parents were thankful for this, as they were able to see where their child is at for the start of the 2015-year. The goal setting meetings were successful, and provided me with an opportunity to develop stronger and meaningful relationships with each child and their whanau. 

I was disappointed that I didn’t get my writing groups sorted for the start of term two, however I am planning on completing this task during week 10 (last week of the term). All SENCO referral forms have been completed for my students who are well below. 

I am continuing to develop and improve my teaching practice through the research (websites, resources, and readings) of the New Zealand Curriculum area of Mathematics and how improving my knowledge and understanding will be strongly beneficial to all students. Having sound knowledge will see students learning progress.  

I am continuing to stay engaged in professional dialogue with colleagues around how I can engage one of my students who continues to refuse to complete work that is associated with mathematics. Through discussions it was decided to set him up on study ladder to see if he will become engaged in learning in other areas of the NZC. I am becoming fraustrated as I am slowly running out of ideas. I have been in contact with Mum (face to face) to set up a meeting to set goals and expectations that the will agree too and also abide by. 


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