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Show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning 
i.      actively contribute to the professional learning community

  ii.    undertake areas of responsibility effectively

7th August 2014
As i reflect on my year thus far, it has dawned upon me about how how effectively I have undertaken certain roles within the school and whether I have lead these to their full potential to ensure both staff and students benefit. This short clip shows the skills required to lead and bee an active contributor to the professional learning community and to undertake role effectively to meet the needs of learners, colleagues, whānau and wider community. 

What did I take from this clip?
- The importance of valid and informing communication, without this, there is no sense of direction to ensure that the learners and other key stake holders and benefitted in a positive way. 
-  Ability to inspire; if we are wanting followers, we need to ensure that we can inspire and convince our key investors to believe in what is trying to be achieved. 
- The need to be openminded towards the views shared. 
- The need to show creativity - Without creativity, the learner will struggle to maintain focus and show enthusiasm and motivation. 
- As the leader/facilitator it's critically to show commitment in any area that you lead. This will play a part in successful outcomes. 

This year, I have taken on the responsibility as the NZEI rep for staff who are apart of the union. My first concerns were; can I deliver and meet the needs and expectations? Will I be committed to ensure staff are given the correct and reliable information needed? Im not experienced enough in the teaching world to take this on. 

What am I doing to try and overcome these pressing issues?
First of all, I am still adjusting to the responsibility of being the school rep. My main aim is believing in myself. This is an idea that I struggle with, as I constantly doubt my own abilities, and skills. To have belief in self, means others too will believe in you, but struggle to show confidence and others surrounding you will lack confidence in you too.


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