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Writing Workshop

 14th August 2015 (Friday)

       Sheena Cameron Writing Workshop
       Today I had the pleasure of attending Sheena Cameron's writing workshop. 
       This workshop, for me, was a valuable experience. Not only did this workshop consolidate what I am already doing, but also what I need to include more into my writing programme to ensure success, and understanding for all learners. It is a belief that this is an ongoing development for all teachers. Quick short activities were also shown to help engage all writers; 
             - iMovie (Using scripts)
             - Using an image where students explain an image and cannot use word   
                                                                    that contains the letter, 'e' for example.     
       Where to next: 
         - Use more modelling to ensure students understand the writing for the lesson.
         - Setting up writing groups, based on writers needs (i.e. punctuation, ideas)
         - Quick short writing activities encouraging students to be critical thinkers. 


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