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Financial Literacy - Maths

Student Learning: 

W.A.L.T: use our knowledge of adding and subtracting decimals through planning our own trip.

  • Students took part in some financial maths learning. The aim of the activity was for students to plan a trip based on a budget of $372.50. Students started this planning today. 
  • Students were highly engaged in meaningful conversations. 
    • Talking about their budget, things that cost more/less, money they would have left, accommodation, travel. 
    • I noted students using the mathematic strategies learnt for both addition and subtraction.  

  • An example that had been created prior was modelled to the students, so that they understood the learning. 
  • Students were given a set criteria that they needed to follow. This was shared to each individual through the use of google docs. A template was also shared for the leaders of each group to copy and paste into a new document, which they then shared with their own peers. 
  • Students were then asked to share their document with me through google docs. This has and will allow me to comment on each groups progress and areas they may need to look at again. 
  • Students are beginning to use different websites to research for trip away.  
Next Steps: 

  • Discuss cyber safety with students and the expectations when working technology. 
Where did this idea arise from?
  • After visiting Rotorua Intermediate an all boys class (both yr 7 & 8) they were engaging in financial literacy. The objective of their lesson was to find an item in which they wanted to bake. These students needed to identify the ingredients required, and use Countdowns online shopping website when looking for the ingredients required. They also needed to know how much it would cost for the ingredients and cost per baking item (muffin/slice etc) and the profit they could make.   


  1. Students look really engaged in this rich task that allows for multiple approaches and strategies to be used leading to multi-level learning occurring. A great opportunity for students to apply these addition and subtraction strategies you have been working on in a real life context, highlighting to them the everyday application of maths and the importance of being competent at it for everyday life. Financial planning for camp will be easy for you now – your students will have it covered!


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